This body will be a corpse. Prepare for the inevitable.

Contemplate, prepare and plan for your death using our easy quizzes.

DeathApp a quiz-based death preparation and awareness app currently in development.

DeathApp guides you through series of multiple choice questions you may not know to ask yourself about how to prepare, practically and psychologically, for death. Your answers will create a Death Preferences Document that you will have written for yourself and the people you leave behind. (It’s not called a Death Plan cuz you know what they say about plans.)

DeathApp is for EVERYONE

Nothing can be said to be certain, except death & taxes. Yet while tax resources abound, death preparation support is limited. Only a third of Americans have advanced directives (8% of Black Americans and 43% of Whites) and less than half have wills.

Death can come at any time and we all deserve to be prepared.

Plus, recent studies have shown that “death awareness,” increases compassion, well-being and sustainable behaviors. People report feeling happier and “liberated” by engaging with their own mortality.

It’s never too soon to live a better life by relating to the fact they we are each going to die.

This is just the beginning (of the end)…

Like what you see here? There’s more to come from DeathApp soon:

  • How do you plan for the unknown?

    Coming soon: More helpful and informative questions are being added all the time.

  • Simple visualizations and meditations can ease our fear and avoidance of the inevitable.

    Coming soon: DeathApp will offer guided contemplations and resources to help familiarize yourself with the certainty of death.

  • Getting your ducks in a row can be daunting.

    Coming soon: DeathApp will feature prompts to make it easy and intuitive to create your last will & testament (and/or trust). Your answers to the DeathApp quizzes will populate the documents you need to get your affairs in order.


Let them know that you are planning for your inevitable demise…